
Starcraft II Achievement Database


Návody zde: Návody jak splnit Achievementy a mise SC II

Úplný seznam achievementů SC2 Liberty Campaign:
List of all:

  • Mar Sara Missions (10 achievements)
    Liberation Day (15)

    Complete all mission objectives in the "Liberation Day" mission.

    Raynor's Back (10)
    Kill 5 enemy units in the "Liberation Day" mission with Raynor on Normal difficulty.

    Down with Mengsk (10)
    Kill every enemy unit in the "Liberation Day" mission on Hard difficulty.

    The Outlaws (15)
    Complete all mission objectives in "The Outlaws" mission.

    Cash Reward (10)
    Collect all Mineral and Gas Pallet pickups in "The Outlaws" mission on Normal difficulty.

    Be Quick or Be Dead (10)
    Complete "The Outlaws" mission on Hard difficulty in less than 10 minutes.

    Hold the Line (10)

    Complete the "Zero Hour" mission on Normal difficulty without losing or salvaging a structure.

    Zero Hour (15)

    Complete all mission objectives in the "Zero Hour" mission.

    The Best Defense... (10)
    - návod
    Destroy 4 Zerg Hatcheries in the "Zero Hour" mission on Hard difficulty.

    Mar Sara Mastery (20)

    Complete all the Mar Sara mission achievements.
  • Colonist Missions (13 achievements)
    The Evacuation (15)
    Complete all mission objectives in "The Evacuation" mission.

    Handled with Care (10)
    Complete "The Evacuation" mission on Normal difficulty without losing a Transport Truck.

    Sacrifice Nothing (10)
    Complete "The Evacuation" mission on Hard difficulty without losing or salvaging a structure.

    Outbreak (15)
    Complete all mission objectives in the "Outbreak" mission.

    28 Minutes Later (10)
    Complete the "Outbreak" mission on Normal difficulty before the 5th night.

    Army of Darkness (10)
    Destroy 15 Infested structures at nighttime in the "Outbreak" mission on Hard difficulty.

    Safe Haven (15)
    Complete all mission objectives in the "Safe Haven" mission.

    You Shall Not Pass (10)
    Save 3 Colonist Outposts in the "Safe Haven" mission on Normal difficulty.

    My Precious! (10)
    Save 2 Colonist Outposts in the "Safe Haven" mission on Hard difficulty.

    Haven's Fall (15)
    Complete all mission objectives in the "Haven's Fall" mission.

    Outpatient (10)
    Complete the "Haven's Fall" mission with 3 settlements protected on Normal difficulty.

    House Call (10)
    Complete the "Haven's Fall" mission with 5 settlements protected on Hard difficulty.

    Colonist Mastery (20)
    Complete all the Colonist mission achievements.
  • Covert Missions (13 achievements)
    The Devil's Playground (15)
    Complete all mission objectives in "The Devil's Playground" mission.

    Red Lobster (10)
    Kill the Brutalisk with lava in "The Devil's Playground" mission on Normal difficulty.

    Reaper Man (10)
    Locate all of Tosh's Crew in "The Devil's Playground" mission on Hard difficulty.

    Welcome to the Jungle (15)
    Complete all mission objectives in the "Welcome to the Jungle" mission.

    Appetite for Destruction (10)
    Prevent the Protoss from killing an SCV in the "Welcome to the Jungle" mission on Normal difficulty.

    It's So Easy (10)
    Prevent the Protoss from capping a Tal'darim Altar in the "Welcome to the Jungle" mission on Hard difficulty.

    Breakout (15)
    Complete all mission objectives in the "Breakout" mission.

    Cool Hand Tosh (10)
    Complete the "Breakout" mission without Tosh going below 100 life on Normal difficulty.

    Jailhouse Rock (10)
    Complete the "Breakout" mission on Hard difficulty in less than 25 minutes.

    Ghost of a Chance (15)
    Complete all mission objectives in the "Ghost of a Chance" mission.

    Dominate Tricks (10)
    Complete the "Ghost of a Chance" mission using Dominated units to kill at least 15 enemy troops on Normal difficulty.

    Total Protonic Reversal (10)
    Kill every enemy unit in the "Ghost of a Chance" mission on Hard difficulty.

    Covert Mastery (10)
    Complete all the Covert mission achievements.
  • Rebellion Missions (16 achievements)
    The Great Train Robbery (15)
    Complete all mission objectives in "The Great Train Robbery" mission.

    Bully the Bullies (10)
    Kill the Marauder Kill Team in "The Great Train Robbery" mission on Normal difficulty.

    Silver Streak (10)
    Complete "The Great Train Robbery" mission without letting a Train pass by on Hard difficulty.

    Cutthroat (15)
    Complete all mission objectives in the "Cutthroat" mission.

    Minesweeper (10)
    Kill 25 total units with Vulture Spider Mines in the "Cutthroat" mission on Normal difficulty.

    Solitaire (10)
    Don't train additional SCVs before purchasing Han's contract in the "Cutthroat" mission on Hard difficulty.

    Engine of Destruction (15)
    Complete all mission objectives in the "Engine of Destruction" mission.

    Kicking Asgard (10)
    Destroy the Loki in the "Engine of Destruction" mission on Normal difficulty.

    Ragnarok & Roll (10)
    Don't let the Odin drop below 30% of its total life in the "Engine of Destruction" mission on Hard difficulty.

    Media Blitz (15)
    Complete all mission objectives in the "Media Blitz" mission.

    Seek & Destroy (10)
    Destroy an enemy Barracks, Factory, and Starport in the "Media Blitz" mission during the sneak attack on Normal difficulty.

    Blitzkrieg (10)
    Complete the "Media Blitz" mission on Hard difficulty in less than 20 minutes.

    Piercing the Shroud (15)
    Complete all mission objectives in the "Piercing the Shroud" mission.

    Not So Brutalisk (10)
    Kill the Brutalisk in the "Piercing the Shroud" mission without losing a unit to the Brutalisk on Normal difficulty.

    Lock and Load (10)
    Locate all 13 weapon pickups in the "Piercing the Shroud" mission on Hard difficulty.

    Rebellion Mastery (20)
    Complete all the Rebellion mission achievements.
  • Artifact Missions (16 achievements)
    Smash and Grab (15)
    Complete all mission objectives in the "Smash and Grab" mission.

    Rock Solid (10)

    Complete the "Smash and Grab" mission on Normal difficulty without losing a unit to a Protoss Stone Guardian.

    Hit & Run (10)
    Complete the "Smash and Grab" mission on Hard difficulty in less than 15 minutes.

    The Dig (15)
    Complete all mission objectives in "The Dig" mission.

    Drill Hard (10)
    Kill 20 enemy units with the Laser Drill in "The Dig" mission on Normal difficulty.

    Yippee-ki-yay... (10) - návod
    Destroy 50 Protoss structures in "The Dig" mission on Hard difficulty.

    The Moebius Factor (15)
    Complete all mission objectives in the "The Moebius Factor" mission.

    Alive Inside! (10)
    Locate all the Moebius survivors in the "The Moebius Factor" mission on Normal difficulty.

    Hard Core (10)
    Complete the "The Moebius Factor" mission before Kerrigan destroys 6 Abandoned Structures on Hard difficulty.

    Supernova (15)
    Complete all mission objectives in the "Supernova" mission.

    Cool Running (10)
    Complete the "Supernova" mission on Normal difficulty without losing a unit to the wall of fire.

    Shock 'n' Awe (10)
    Kill 75 enemy units or structures with cloaked Banshees in the "Supernova" mission on Hard difficulty.

    Maw of the Void (15)
    Complete all mission objectives in the "Maw of the Void" mission.

    I Have the Power (10)
    Destroy all Rip-Field Generators in the "Maw of the Void" mission on Normal difficulty.

    Master of the Universe (10)
    Complete the "Maw of the Void" mission without losing a unit inside the Rip-Field on Hard difficulty.

    Artifact Mastery (20)

    Complete all the Artifact mission achievements.
  • Prophecy Missions (13 achievements)
    Whispers of Doom (15)
    Complete all mission objectives in the "Whispers of Doom" mission.

    Stalker Delight (10)
    Complete the "Whispers of Doom" mission on Normal difficulty with 3 or more Stalkers.

    Merely a Flesh Wound (10)
    Complete the "Whispers of Doom" mission on Hard difficulty without Zeratul suffering life damage.

    A Sinister Turn (15)
    Complete all mission objectives in the "A Sinister Turn" mission.

    Out for Justice (10)
    Kill all Protoss in the "A Sinister Turn" mission on Normal difficulty.

    Maar-ked for Death (10)
    Complete the "A Sinister Turn" mission on Hard difficulty in less than 25 minutes.

    Echoes of the Future (15)
    Complete all mission objectives in the "Echoes of the Future" mission.

    Army of One (10)
    Complete the "Echoes of the Future" mission with Zeratul killing 50 Zerg units on Normal difficulty.

    Overmind Dead Body (10)
    Complete the "Echoes of the Future" mission on Hard difficulty in less than 20 minutes.

    In Utter Darkness (15)
    Complete all mission objectives in the "In Utter Darkness" mission.

    Semi-Glorious (10)
    Kill 250 additional Zerg units in the "In Utter Darkness" mission on Normal difficulty.

    Blaze of Glory (10)
    Kill 750 additional Zerg units in the "In Utter Darkness" mission on Normal difficulty.

    Prophecy Mastery (20)
    Complete all the Prophecy mission achievements.
  • Final missions (13 achievemants)
    Gates of Hell (15)
    Complete all mission objectives in the "Gates of Hell" mission.

    The Big Bang Cannon (10)
    Destroy all the Spore Cannons in the "Gates of Hell" mission on Normal difficulty.

    Dominion Roundup (10)
    Rescue 10 Drop-Pods of Dominion Troops in the "Gates of Hell" mission on Hard difficulty.

    Belly of the Beast (15)
    Complete all mission objectives in the "Belly of the Beast" mission.

    Unbreakable (10)
    Complete the "Belly of the Beast" mission without letting a hero fall Incapacitated on Normal difficulty.

    One Shot, Fifty Kills! (10) - návod
    Kill 50 units with a single Penetrator Round in the "Belly of the Beast" mission on Hard difficulty.

    Shatter the Sky (15)
    Complete all mission objectives in the "Shatter the Sky" mission.

    Demolition Man (10)
    Complete the "Shatter the Sky" mission without losing a unit to a Platform explosion on Normal difficulty.

    Speed Too! (10)

    Complete the "Shatter the Sky" mission on Hard difficulty in less than 25 minutes.

    All In (15)
    Complete all mission objectives in the "All In" mission.

    Burn and Turn (10)
    Kill 150 Zerg units with the Artifact in the "All In" mission on Normal difficulty.

    Aces High (10) - návod
    Use the Artifact only once in the "All In" mission on Hard difficulty.

    Final Mastery (20)
    Complete all the Final mission achievements.
  • Story Mode (32 achievements)
    Mar Sara Missions (10)
    Complete the Mar Sara missions in the Wings of Liberty campaign.

    Nice Suit (10)
    Find out why Tychus Findlay is always in a Marine suit.

    Dr. Ariel Hanson Missions (10)
    Complete the Dr. Hanson storyline in the Wings of Liberty campaign.

    Gabriel Tosh Missions (10)
    Complete the Tosh storyline in the Wings of Liberty campaign.

    Matt Horner Missions (10)
    Complete the Horner storyline in the Wings of Liberty campaign.

    Zeratul Missions (10)
    Complete the Zeratul storyline in the Wings of Liberty campaign.

    Ihan Crystal (10)
    Acquire an Ihan Crystal.

    The Artifact (10)
    Collect all 5 Xel'Naga Artifacts.

    Wings of Liberty (10)
    Complete the Wings of Liberty campaign.

    Stay Awhile and Listen (10)
    Start a conversation with all the main characters.

    Couch Surfer (10)
    View 10 television news broadcasts.

    Dead Man's Hand (10)
    Find out what Matt Horner won playing poker.

    Terra-tron Terrorized! (10)
    Beat the Terra-tron on the Lost Viking arcade machine.

    Lost Viking: Bronze (10)
    Score 125,000 points on the Lost Viking arcade machine.

    Lost Viking: Silver (10)
    Score 250,000 points on the Lost Viking arcade machine.

    Lost Viking: Gold (10)
    Score 500,000 points on the Lost Viking arcade machine.

    Base Tech Master (10)
    Purchase 8 base upgrades from the Armory console.

    Infantry Tech Master (10)
    Purchase 10 infantry upgrades from the Armory console.

    Vehicle Tech Master (10)
    Purchase 10 vehicle upgrades from the Armory console.

    Starship Tech Master (10)
    Purchase 10 starship upgrades from the Armory console.

    Dominion Tech Master (10)
    Purchase 4 Dominion upgrades from the Armory console.

    Band of Legends (10)
    Purchase all Mercenary contracts.

    Zerg Xenobiology (10)
    Complete 5 Zerg research console projects.

    Protoss Xenobiology (10)
    Complete 5 Protoss research console projects.

    Wings of Liberty: Hard 5 (10)
    Complete 5 missions in the Wings of Liberty campaign on Hard difficulty.

    Wings of Liberty: Brutal 5 (10)
    Complete 5 missions in the Wings of Liberty campaign on Brutal difficulty.

    Liberty Completionist: Normal (15)
    Complete all 29 Wings of Liberty campaign missions on Normal difficulty.

    Liberty Completionist: Hard (15)
    Complete all 29 Wings of Liberty campaign missions on Hard difficulty.

    Liberty Completionist: Brutal (15)
    Complete all 29 Wings of Liberty campaign missions on Brutal difficulty.

    Hurry Up: It's Raid Night (10) - návod
    Complete the Wings of Liberty campaign under 8 hours of total played mission time on Normal difficulty.

    Master Mechanic (20)
    Complete the Armory console upgrade achievements.

    Master Technician (20)
    Complete the research console upgrade achievements.


  • Guide One (4 achievements)
    Custom Game Novice (10)
    Win 3 solo evenly matched Custom Games against any A.I. opponents.

    Cooperative Novice (10)
    Win 3 Cooperative games.

    Medal of Combat (10)
    Complete all the Guide One achievements.

    Challenge Accepted (10)
    Complete 3 challenge missions with a Bronze rating or higher.
  • Guide Two (6 achievements)
    Custom Game Terran (10)
    Win 3 solo evenly matched Custom Games as Terran against any A.I. opponents.
    Race: Terran

    Custom Game Protoss (10)
    Win 3 solo evenly matched Custom Games as Protoss against any A.I. opponents.
    Race: Protoss

    Custom Game Zerg (10)
    Win 3 solo evenly matched Custom Games as Zerg against any A.I. opponents.
    Race: Zerg

    Qualified For Action (10)
    Play enough qualifying games to get placed in a Quick Match league.

    Medal of Valor (20)
    Complete all the Guide Two achievements

    Challenge Accepted, Too! (10)
    Complete 6 challenge missions with a Bronze rating or higher.
  • Guide Three (6 achievements)
    Free-for-All Crusher (10)
    Destroy a total of 100 enemy units in Free-for-All Quick Match games.

    Play Replay (10)
    Watch any Battle.net replay.

    Flying Solo (10)
    Win 5 1v1 league Quick Match games.

    That' Teamwork (10)
    Win 5 Team league Quick Match games.

    Medal of Honor (20)
    Complete all the Guide Three achievements.

    Challenge Completed (10)
    Complete all the challenge missions with a Bronze rating or higher.
  • Challenges (28 achievements)
    Tactical Command: Bronze (10) - video návod
    Score the rank of Bronze in the "Tactical Command" challenge mission.

    Tactical Command: Silver (10) - video návod
    Score the rank of Silver in the "Tactical Command" challenge mission.

    Tactical Command: Gold (10) - video návod
    Score the rank of Gold in the "Tactical Command" challenge mission.

    Path of Ascension: Bronze (10) - video návod
    Score the rank of Bronze in the "Path of Ascension" challenge mission.

    Path of Ascension: Silver (10) - video návod
    Score the rank of Silver in the "Path of Ascension" challenge mission.

    Path of Ascension: Gold (10)
    - video návod
    Score the rank of Gold in the "Path of Ascension" challenge mission.

    For the Swarm: Bronze (10) - video návod
    Score the rank of Bronze in the "For the Swarm" challenge mission.

    For the Swarm: Silver (10) - video návod
    Score the rank of Silver in the "For the Swarm" challenge mission.

    For the Swarm: Gold (10) - video návod
    Score the rank of Gold in the "For the Swarm" challenge mission.

    Covert Ops: Bronze (10) - video návod
    Score the rank of Bronze in the "Covert Ops" challenge mission.

    Covert Ops: Silver (10)
    - video návod
    Score the rank of Silver in the "Covert Ops" challenge mission.

    Covert Ops: Gold (10) - video návod
    Score the rank of Gold in the "Covert Ops" challenge mission.

    Psionic Assault: Bronze (10)
    Score the rank of Bronze in the "Psionic Assault" challenge mission.

    Psionic Assault: Silver (10)
    Score the rank of Silver in the "Psionic Assault" challenge mission.

    Psionic Assault: Gold (10)
    Score the rank of Gold in the "Psionic Assault" challenge mission.

    Zerg Infestation: Bronze (10)
    Score the rank of Bronze in the "Zerg Infestation" challenge mission.

    Zerg Infestation: Silver (10)

    Score the rank of Silver in the "Zerg Infestation" challenge mission.

    Zerg Infestation: Gold (10)
    Score the rank of Gold in the "Zerg Infestation" challenge mission.

    Harbinger of Death: Bronze (10)
    Score the rank of Bronze in the "Harbinger of Death" challenge mission.

    Harbinger of Death: Silver (10)
    Score the rank of Silver in the "Harbinger of Death" challenge mission.

    Harbinger of Death: Gold (10)
    Score the rank of Gold in the "Harbinger of Death" challenge mission.

    Opening Gambit: Bronze (10)
    Score the rank of Bronze in the "Opening Gambit" challenge mission.

    Opening Gambit: Silver (10)
    Score the rank of Silver in the "Opening Gambit" challenge mission.

    Opening Gambit: Gold (10)

    Score the rank of Gold in the "Opening Gambit" challenge mission.

    Rush Defense: Bronze (10)
    Score the rank of Bronze in the "Rush Defense" challenge mission.

    Rush Defense: Silver (10)
    Score the rank of Silver in the "Rush Defense" challenge mission.

    Rush Defense: Gold (10)
    Score the rank of Gold in the "Rush Defense" challenge mission.

    Solid Gold (20)
    Score the rank of Gold in all the challenge missions.

Custom Game

  • Medium A.I. (7 achievements)
    Terran AI Romp: 10 (10)
    Win 10 solo evenly matched Custom Games as Terran against Medium A.I. opponents.
    Race: Terran

    Zerg AI Romp: 10 (10)
    Win 10 solo evenly matched Custom Games as Zerg against Medium A.I. opponents.
    Race: Zerg

    Protoss AI Romp: 10 (10)
    Win 10 solo evenly matched Custom Games as Protoss against Medium A.I. opponents.
    Race: Protoss

    Random AI Romp: 10 (10)
    Win 10 solo evenly matched Custom Games as Random against Medium A.I. opponents.

    Medium FFA (10)
    Win a Free-For-All Custom Game against 7 Medium A.I. opponents.

    Medium Blitz (10)
    Win a 1v1 Custom Game against a Medium A.I. opponent in under 5 minutes.

    Medium A.I. Crusher (20)

    Complete all the Medium A.I. achievements.
  • Hard A.I. (8 achievements)
    Hard AI Romp: 10 (10)
    Win 10 solo evenly matched Custom Games against Hard A.I. opponents.

    Hard FFA (10)
    Win a Free-For-All Custom Game against 7 Hard A.I. opponents.

    Hard Blitz (10)
    Win a 1v1 Custom Game against a Hard A.I. opponent in under 5 minutes.

    3v3 Mix vs Hard A.I. (10)
    Win a 3v3 Custom Game with Hard A.I. allies using all 3 races against Hard A.I. opponents.

    3v3 vs Hard AI Mix (10)
    Win a 3v3 Custom Game with Hard A.I. allies against all three races of Hard A.I. opponents.

    4v4 Kin vs Hard AI (10)
    Win a 4v4 Custom Game with Hard A.I. allies using the following race combinations against Hard A.I. opponents. [list] [*]4 Terran [*]4 Protoss [*]4 Zerg [/list]

    4v4 vs Hard AI Kin (10)
    Win a 4v4 Custom Game with Hard A.I. allies against the following race combinations using Hard A.I. opponents. [list] [*]4 Terran [*]4 Protoss [*]4 Zerg [/list]

    Hard AI Crusher (20)
    Complete all the Hard A.I. achievements
  • Very Hard A.I. (8 achievements)
    Very Hard AI Romp: 10 (10)
    Win 10 solo evenly matched Custom Games against Very Hard A.I. opponents.

    Very Hard FFA (10)
    Win a Free-For-All Custom Game against 7 Very Hard A.I. opponents.

    Very Hard Blitz (10)
    Win a 1v1 Custom Game against a Very Hard A.I. opponent in under 5 minutes.

    3v3 Mix vs Very Hard A.I. (10)
    Win a 3v3 Custom Game with a Very Hard A.I. allies using all three races against Very Hard A.I. opponents.

    3v3 vs Very Hard AI Mix (10)
    Win a 3v3 Custom Game with Very Hard A.I. allies against all three races of Very Hard A.I. opponents.

    4v4 Kin vs Very Hard AI (10)
    Win a 4v4 Custom Game with Very Hard A.I. allies using the following race combinations against Very Hard A.I. opponents. [list] [*]4 Terran [*]4 Protoss [*]4 Zerg [/list]

    4v4 vs Very Hard AI Kin (10)
    Win a 4v4 Custom Game with Very Hard A.I. allies against the following race combinations using Very Hard A.I. opponents. [list] [*]4 Terran [*]4 Protoss [*]4 Zerg [/list]

    Very Hard AI Crusher (20)
    Complete all the Very Hard A.I. achievements.
  • Insane A.I. (8 achievements)
    Insane AI Romp: 10 (10)
    Win 10 solo evenly matched Custom Games against Insane A.I. opponents.

    Insane FFA (10)
    Win a Free-For-All Custom Game against 7 Insane A.I. opponents.

    Insane Blitz (10)
    Win a 1v1 Custom Game against an Insane A.I. opponent in under 5 minutes.

    3v3 Mix vs Insane AI (10)
    Win a 3v3 Custom Game with Insane A.I. allies using all three races against Insane A.I. opponents.

    3v3 vs Insane AI Mix (10)
    Win a 3v3 Custom Game with Insane A.I. allies against all three races of Insane A.I. opponents.

    4v4 Kin vs Insane AI (10)
    Win a 4v4 Custom Game with Insane A.I. allies using the following race combinations against Insane A.I. components. [list] [*]4 Terran [*]4 Protoss [*]4 Zerg [/list]

    4v4 vs Insane AI Kin (10)
    Win a 4v4 Custom Game with Insane A.I. allies against the following race combinations using Insane A.I. opponents.

    Insane AI Crusher (20)
    Complete all the Insane AI achievements.
  • Outmatched (11 achievements)
    Outmatched: 2 Medium AI (10)
    Win a 1 vs 2 Custom Game with no Allies against 2 Medium A.I. opponents.

    Outmatched: 3 Medium AI (10)
    Win a 1 vs 3 Custom Game with no Allies against 3 Medium A.I. opponents.

    Outmatched: 4 Medium AI (10)
    Win a 1 vs 4 Custom Game with no Allies against 4 Medium A.I. opponents.

    Outmatched: 2 Hard AI (10)
    Win a 1 vs 2 Custom Game with no Allies against 2 Hard A.I. opponents.

    Outmatched: 3 Hard AI (10)
    Win a 1 vs 3 Custom Game with no Allies against 3 Hard A.I. opponents.

    Outmatched: 4 Hard AI (10)
    Win a 1 vs 4 Custom Game with no Allies against 4 Hard A.I. opponents.

    Outmatched: 2 Very Hard AI (10)
    Win a 1 vs 2 Custom Game with no Allies against 2 Very Hard A.I. opponents.

    Outmatched: 3 Very Hard AI (10)
    Win a 1 vs 3 Custom Game with no Allies against 3 Very Hard A.I. opponents.

    Outmatched: 4 Very Hard AI (10)
    Win a 1 vs 4 Custom Game with no Allies against 4 Very Hard A.I. opponents.

    Outmatched: 2 Insane AI (10)
    Win a 1 vs 2 Custom Game with no Allies against 2 Insane A.I. opponents.

    Outmatched Crusher (10)
    Completed all the Outmatched achievements.


  • Medium A.I. (6 achievements)
    Co-op Stomp: Medium 10 (10)
    Win 10 Cooperative games against Medium A.I. opponents.

    2v2 Co-op Streak: Medium 5 (10)
    Win 5 2v2 Cooperative games in a row against Medium A.I. opponents.

    3v3 Co-op Streak: Medium 5 (10)
    Win 5 3v3 Cooperative games in a row against Medium A.I. opponents.

    2v2 Stomp Coverage: Medium (10)
    Win a 2v2 Cooperative game as all possibilities against Medium A.I.

    3v3 Stomp Coverage: Medium (10)
    Win a 3v3 Cooperative game as all possibilities against Medium A.I. opponents.

    Gosu Comp Stomp: Medium (20)
    Complete all the Medium A.I. achievements.
  • Hard A.I. (6 achievements)
    Co-op Stomp: Hard 10 (10)
    Win 10 Cooperative games against Hard A.I. opponents.

    2v2 Co-op Streak: Hard 5 (10)
    Win 5 2v2 Cooperative games in a row against Hard A.I. opponents.

    3v3 Co-op Streak: Hard 5 (10)
    Win 5 3v3 Cooperative games in a row against Hard A.I. opponents.

    2v2 Stomp Coverage: Hard (10)
    Win a 2v2 Cooperative game as all possibilities against Hard A.I.

    3v3 Stomp Coverage: Hard (10)

    Win a 3v3 Cooperative game as all possibilities against Hard A.I.

    Gosu Comp Stomp: Hard (10)
    Complete all the Hard A.I. achievements.
  • Very Hard A.I. (6 achievements)
    Co-op Stomp: Very Hard 10 (10)
    Win 10 Cooperative games against Very Hard A.I. opponents.

    2v2 Co-op Streak: Very Hard 5 (10)
    Win 5 2v2 Cooperative games in a row against Very Hard A.I. opponents.

    3v3 Co-op Streak: Very Hard 5 (10)
    Win 5 3v3 Cooperative games in a row against Very Hard A.I. opponents.

    2v2 Stomp Coverage: Very Hard (10)
    Win a 2v2 Cooperative game as all possibilities against Very Hard A.I.

    3v3 Stomp Coverage: Very Hard (10)
    Win a 3v3 Cooperative game as all possibilities against Very Hard A.I.

    Gosu Comp Stomp: Very Hard (20)
    Complete all the Very Hard A.I. achievements.
  • Insane A.I. (6 achievements)
    Co-op Stomp: Insane 10 (10)
    Win 10 Cooperative games against Insane A.I. opponents.

    2v2 Co-op Streak: Insane 5 (10)
    Win 5 2v2 Cooperative games in a row against Insane A.I. opponents.

    3v3 Co-op Streak: Insane 5 (10)
    Win 5 3v3 Cooperative games in a row against Insane A.I. opponents.

    2v2 Stomp Coverage: Insane (10)
    Win a 2v2 Cooperative game as all possibilities against Insane A.I.

    3v3 Stomp Coverage: Insane (10)
    Win a 3v3 Cooperative game as all possibilities against Insane A.I.

    Gosu Comp Stomp: Insane (20)
    Complete all the Insane A.I. achievements.
  • Race A.I. (5 achievements)
    Terran Command: 10 (10)
    Win 10 Cooperative games as Terran against Medium A.I. opponents.
    Race: Terran

    Protoss Command: 10 (10)
    Win 10 Cooperative games as Protoss against Medium A.I. opponents.
    Race: Protoss

    Zerg Command: 10 (10)
    Win 10 Cooperative games as Zerg against Medium A.I. opponents.
    Race: Zerg

    Random Command: 10 (10)
    Win 10 Cooperative games as Random against Medium A.I. opponents.

    Supreme Command: 10 (20)
    Complete all Race A.I. achievements.

Quick Match

  • Solo League (34 achievements)
    Solo Terran 10 (10)
    Win 10 1v1 league Quick Match games as Terran.
    Race: Terran

    Solo Terran 25 (10)
    Win 25 1v1 league Quick Match games as Terran.
    Race: Terran

    Solo Terran 50 (10)
    Win 50 1v1 league Quick Match games as Terran.
    Race: Terran

    Solo Terran 100 (10)
    Win 100 1v1 league Quick Match games as Terran.
    Race: Terran

    Solo Terran 250 (10)
    Win 250 1v1 league Quick Match games as Terran.
    Race: Terran

    Solo Terran 500 (10)
    Win 500 1v1 league Quick Match games as Terran.
    Race: Terran

    Solo Terran 750 (10)
    Win 750 1v1 league Quick Match games as Terran.
    Race: Terran

    Solo Terran 1000 (10)
    Win 1000 1v1 league Quick Match games as Terran.
    Race: Terran

    Solo Protoss 10 (10)
    Win 10 1v1 league Quick Match games as Protoss.
    Race: Protoss

    Solo Protoss 25 (10)
    Win 25 1v1 league Quick Match games as Protoss.
    Race: Protoss

    Solo Protoss 50 (10)
    Win 50 1v1 league Quick Match games as Protoss.
    Race: Protoss

    Solo Protoss 100 (10)
    Win 100 1v1 league Quick Match games as Protoss.
    Race: Protoss

    Solo Protoss 250 (10)
    Win 250 1v1 league Quick Match games as Protoss.
    Race: Protoss

    Solo Protoss 500 (10)
    Win 500 1v1 league Quick Match games as Protoss.
    Race: Protoss

    Solo Protoss 750 (10)
    Win 750 1v1 league Quick Match games as Protoss.
    Race: Protoss

    Solo Protoss 1000 (10)

    Win 1000 1v1 league Quick Match games as Protoss.
    Race: Protoss

    Solo Zerg 10 (10)
    Win 10 1v1 league Quick Match games as Zerg.
    Race: Zerg

    Solo Zerg 25 (10)
    Win 25 1v1 league Quick Match games as Zerg.
    Race: Zerg

    Solo Zerg 50 (10)
    Win 50 1v1 league Quick Match games as Zerg.
    Race: Zerg

    Solo Zerg 100 (10)
    Win 100 1v1 league Quick Match games as Zerg.
    Race: Zerg

    Solo Zerg 250 (10)
    Win 250 1v1 league Quick Match games as Zerg.
    Race: Zerg

    Solo Zerg 500 (10)
    Win 500 1v1 league Quick Match games as Zerg.
    Race: Zerg

    Solo Zerg 750 (10)
    Win 750 1v1 league Quick Match games as Zerg.
    Race: Zerg

    Solo Zerg 1000 (10)
    Win 1000 1v1 league Quick Match games as Zerg.
    Race: Zerg

    Solo Random 10 (10)
    Win 10 1v1 league Quick Match games as Random.

    Solo Random 25 (10)
    Win 25 1v1 league Quick Match games as Random.

    Solo Random 50 (10)

    Win 50 1v1 league Quick Match games as Random.

    Solo Random 100 (10)
    Win 100 1v1 league Quick Match games as Random.

    Solo Random 250 (10)
    Win 250 1v1 league Quick Match games as Random.

    Solo Random 500 (10)
    Win 500 1v1 league Quick Match games as Random.

    Solo Random 750 (10)

    Win 750 1v1 Quick Match games as Random.

    Solo Random 1000 (10)
    Win 1000 1v1 league Quick Match games as Random.

    Solo Hot Streak 3 (10)
    Win 3 1v1 league Quick Match games in a row.

    Solo Zen Master (20)
    Win 1000 1v1 league Quick Match games as each race option.
  • Team League (35 achievements)
    Team Terran 10 (10)
    Win 10 Team league Quick Match games as Terran.
    Race: Terran

    Team Terran 25 (10)
    Win 25 Team league Quick Match games as Terran.
    Race: Terran

    Team Terran 50 (10)
    Win 50 Team league Quick Match games as Terran.
    Race: Terran

    Team Terran 100 (10)
    Win 100 Team league Quick Match games as Terran.
    Race: Terran

    Team Terran 250 (10)
    Win 250 Team league Quick Match games as Terran.
    Race: Terran

    Team Terran 500 (10)
    Win 500 Team league Quick Match games as Terran.
    Race: Terran

    Team Terran 750 (10)
    Win 750 Team league Quick Match games as Terran.
    Race: Terran

    Team Terran 1000 (10)
    Win 1000 Team league Quick Match games as Terran.
    Race: Terran

    Team Protoss 10 (10)
    Win 10 Team league Quick Match games as Protoss.
    Race: Protoss

    Team Protoss 25 (10)

    Win 25 Team league Quick Match games as Protoss.
    Race: Protoss

    Team Protoss 50 (10)
    Win 50 Team league Quick Match games as Protoss.
    Race: Protoss

    Team Protoss 100 (10)
    Win 100 Team league Quick Match games as Protoss.
    Race: Protoss

    Team Protoss 250 (10)
    Win 250 Team league Quick Match games as Protoss.
    Race: Protoss

    Team Protoss 500 (10)
    Win 500 Team league Quick Match games as Protoss.
    Race: Protoss

    Team Protoss 750 (10)

    Win 750 Team league Quick Match games as Protoss.
    Race: Protoss

    Team Protoss 1000 (10)
    Win 1000 Team league Quick Match games as Protoss.
    Race: Protoss

    Team Zerg 10 (10)
    Win 10 Team league Quick Match games as Zerg.
    Race: Zerg

    Team Zerg 25 (10)
    Win 25 Team league Quick Match games as Zerg.
    Race: Zerg

    Team Zerg 50 (10)
    Win 50 Team league Quick Match games as Zerg.
    Race: Zerg

    Team Zerg 100 (10)
    Win 100 Team league Quick Match games as Zerg.
    Race: Zerg

    Team Zerg 250 (10)
    Win 250 Team league Quick Match games as Zerg.
    Race: Zerg

    Team Zerg 500 (10)
    Win 500 Team league Quick Match games as Zerg.
    Race: Zerg

    Team Zerg 750 (10)
    Win 750 Team league Quick Match games as Zerg.
    Race: Zerg

    Team Zerg 1000 (10)
    Win 1000 Team league Quick Match games as Zerg.
    Race: Zerg

    Team Random 10 (10)
    Win 10 Team league Quick Match games as Random.

    Team Random 25 (10)
    Win 25 Team league Quick Match games as Random.

    Team Random 50 (10)
    Win 50 Team league Quick Match games as Random.

    Team Random 100 (10)
    Win 100 Team league Quick Match games as Random.

    Team Random 250 (10)
    Win 250 Team league Quick Match games as Random.

    Team Random 500 (10)
    Win 500 Team league Quick Match games as Random.

    Team Random 750 (10)
    Win 750 Team league Quick Match games as Random.

    Team Random 1000 (10)

    Win 1000 Team league Quick Match games as Random.

    Team Hot Streak 3 (10)
    Win 3 Team league Quick Match games in a row.

    Hot Streak 5 (10)
    Win 5 Team league Quick Match games in a row.

    Team Zen Master (20)
    Win 1000 Team league Quick Match games as each race option.
  • Competitive (14 achievements)
    FFA Gladiator (10)
    Destory a total of 5,000 enemy units in Free-For-All Quick Match games.

    FFA Destroyer (10)
    Win a Free-For-All Quick Match game as each race option.

    FFA Wins: 5 (10)
    Win 5 Free-For-All Quick match games.

    FFA Wins: 10 (10)

    Win 10 Free-For-All Quick match games.

    FFA Wins: 25 (10)
    Win 25 Free-For-All Quick match games.

    FFA Wins: 50 (10)
    Win 50 Free-For-All Quick match games.

    FFA Wins: 100 (10)
    Win 100 Free-For-All Quick match games.

    FFA Wins: 200 (10)
    Win 200 Free-For-All Quick match games.

    FFA Wins: 400 (10)
    Win 400 Free-For-All Quick match games.

    FFA Wins: 800 (10)
    Win 800 Free-For-All Quick match games.

    League Qualifier (10)
    Qualify for league Quick Match in each of the following modes: [list] [*]1v1 [*]2v2 [*]3v3 [*]4v4 [/list]

    Two-way Dominant (10)
    Win a 2v2 league Quick Match game playing all race possibilities.

    Three-way Dominant (10)
    Win a 3v3 league Quick Match game playing all race possibilities.

    Competitive Zen Master (20)
    Complete all the "Competitive" Quick Match achievements.


  • Economy (10 achievements)
    Training Day (10)
    Train 10 Marines during the first 320 seconds of a single Melee game.
    Units: Marine

    Zergling Rush (10)
    Morph 20 Zerglings during the first 255 seconds of a Melee game.
    Units: Zergling

    Zealot Rush (10)
    Warp in 5 Zealots during the first 250 seconds of a single Melee game.
    Units: Zealot

    Fast Expand (10)

    Expand during the first 225 seconds of a Melee game.
    Units: Nexus, Command Center, Hatchery

    Erector Time (10)
    Build a Factory during the first 270 seconds of a Melee game.
    Race: Terran
    Units: Factory

    Warp In Time (10)
    Warp in a Twilight Council during the first 275 seconds of a Melee game.
    Race: Protoss

    It's Morphing Time (10)
    Mutate a Lair during the first 285 seconds of a Melee game.
    Race: Zerg

    The Rich Get Richer (10)
    Deplete 10 Rich Mineral Fields in a single Melee game.

    Just a Scratch (10)
    Repair 1,000 life on allied structures in a single Melee game.

    City Builder (10)
    Complete all the Economy achievements.
  • Melee Combat (12 achievements)
    I See Dead Units (10)
    Destory 10 cloaked or burrowed units in a single Melee game.
    Units: Banshee, Dark Templar, Observer, Mothership, Zergling, Baneling, Ghost, Ultralisk, Queen, Roach, Drone

    Psionic Death (10)
    Destory 20 units with a single High Templar in a Melee game.
    Units: High Templar

    Meatgrinder (10)
    Kill 50 supply worth of units within 15 seconds in a Melee game.
    Units: High Templar, Ghost, Ultralisk

    The Back Door (10)
    Using Warp Prisms, warp in 50 units in a single Melee game.
    Units: Warp Prism

    Zerglot (10)
    While playing as Zerg, warp in a Zealot in a Melee game.
    Race: Zerg
    Units: Zealot

    Distorted Reality (10)
    Capture 50 enemy units in a single Vortex in a Melee game.
    Race: Protoss
    Units: Mothership

    To the Shadows I Run (10)
    Use Blink to save a Stalker in a Melee game.
    Race: Protoss
    Units: Stalker

    Can't Touch This! (10)
    Dodge a Raven Seeker Missile in a Melee game.
    Units: Raven

    Fire Fighter (10)
    Save 8 burning Terran structures in a single Melee game.
    Race: Terran
    Units: SCV

    One-Finger Discount (10)
    Cancel construction of a structure that is being destroyed by an opponent in a Melee game.

    Just an Illusion (10)
    Control 15 hallucinations at once in a Melee game.
    Race: Protoss
    Units: High Templar

    Welcome Back, Commander (20)
    Complete all the Melee Combat achievements.
  • League Combat (27 achievements)
    Yamato Master Blaster (10)
    Destory 20 units with Yamato blasts in a single League game.
    Race: Terran
    Units: Battlecruiser

    Professionals Have Standards (10)
    Destory 20 units with Sniper Rounds in a single League game.
    Race: Terran

    Infested Terror (10)
    Destory 30 units with Infested Terrans in a single League game.
    Race: Zerg
    Units: Infested Terrans

    Beep, Beep, Boom! (10)
    Destory 6 units with a single Seeker Missile in a League game.
    Race: Terran
    Units: Raven

    Would You Kindly... (10)
    Destory 5 units with a single Neutral Parasited unit in a League game.
    Race: Zerg
    Units: Infestor

    Unbreakable! (10)
    Destroy 40 units with a single unit in a single League game.

    Auto-Kill (10)
    Using Auto-Turrets, destory 20 SCVs in a single League game.
    Race: Terran
    Units: Raven, Auto-Turret

    Raining Blood (10)
    Destroy a fully loaded transport in a League game.
    Units: Warp Prism, Overlord, Medivac

    Nuclear Launch Detected (10)
    Kill 15 enemy units with a single Nuke in a League game.
    Race: Terran
    Units: Ghost Academy, Ghost

    Terran Macro Master (10)
    Have 9 Terran units training simultaneously in a League game.
    Race: Terran
    Units: Barracks Reactor, Factory Reactor, Starport Reactor

    Protoss Macro Master (10)
    Have 9 Protoss units warping in simultaneously in a League game.
    Race: Protoss

    Zerg Macro Master (10)
    Have 21 Zerg units morphing simultaneously in a League game.
    Race: Zerg
    Units: Larva

    Warp In Madness (10)
    Warp in 100 units with Warp Gates in a League game.
    Race: Protoss
    Units: Warp Gate

    Centurion Queen (10)
    Create 100 Larvae with Queens in a single League game.
    Race: Zerg
    Units: Nydus Network

    Neighborly Help (10)
    Heal 300 life on friendly units in a single League game.
    Race: Terran

    Frugal Fighter (10)
    Regenerate 500 shield energy on a single unit without taking friendly fire in a League game.
    Race: Protoss

    A Roach's Life (10)
    Regenerate 500 life on a single Roach without taking friendly fire in a League game.
    Race: Zerg
    Units: Roach

    Shroom Absorption (10)
    Absorb 1,000 damage with hallucinations in a single League game.
    Race: Protoss
    Units: High Templar

    Counter-Proof (10)
    Attack for 20 seconds with no counterattacks in a League game.

    Carnage Hall (10)
    Destroy 4 Command Centers, Hatcheries, or Nexuses in a single League game.
    Units: Nexus, Command Center, Hatchery, Lair, Hive

    Denied (10)

    Destroy an enemy Command Center, Hatchery, or Nexus while it is under construction in a League game.
    Units: Nexus, Command Center, Hatchery

    Hot Pickup (10)
    Load a Dropship with a unit that is under attack in a League game.
    Race: Terran
    Units: Medivac

    MULE X'ing (10)
    Call down 30 MULEs in a single League game.
    Race: Terran
    Units: MULE

    Big Brother Is Watching (10)
    Hold a Xel'Naga Tower for 5 consecutive minutes in a League game.

    Meet the Spy (10)
    Kill 5 Changelings in a single League game.
    Race: Zerg
    Units: Changeling

    Work, Work (10)
    Win a League game without exceeding 30 seconds of total idle harvest time.
    Units: Probe, SCV, Drone

    Supreme Being (20)
    Complete all the League Combat achievements.

Feats of Strength (5 achievements) skryté dokud je nesplníte
Devoted Fan (0)
Purchase StarCraft II Wings of Liberty Collector's Edition.

The Scenic Route (0) - návod
Destroy all Zerg structures in "The Devil's Playground" mission on Normal difficulty.

You'ze So Crazy! (0)
- návod
Destroy all Protoss structures in the "Welcome to the Jungle" mission on Normal difficulty.

Monster Mash (0)
- návod
Use the A.R.E.S. to kill the Brutalisk in the "Piercing the Shroud" mission on Normal difficulty.

Hot Shot (0)
Finish a Qualification Round with an undefeated record.


StarCraft II Officiální Mody

Aiur Chef
    Executor Chef - Cook at least one of each dish in all three rounds of one game of Aiur Chef.
    Virtuoso - Win a game of Aiur Chef. Awards Zealot Chef portrait.
    Supreme Cuisine - Score over 2000 points in a game of Aiur Chef.
    The Heat Is On - Kill another zealot chef when hit by the Great Equalizer.
    Allez Cuisine! - Cook two dishes within 30 seconds of each other.
Left 2 Die
    Live and Let Die - Complete the "Left 2 Die" scenario on Normal difficulty.
    Please Hammer, Don't Hurt 'Em - Kill a Stank before it kills anything on Hard difficulty. Awards Stank portrait.
    Die Another Day - Complete the "Left 2 Die" scenario on Hard difficulty.
    Here Comes the Hammer - Complete the "Left 2 Die" scenario before the fifth night on Brutal difficulty.
    License to Kill - Complete the "Left 2 Die" scenario on Brutal difficulty.
    Night Of The Living - Survive 5 Infested Horde Attacks in the "Night 2 Die" mode of the "Left 2 Die" scenario.
    Night Of The Living II - Survive 10 Infested Horde Attacks in the "Night 2 Die" mode of the "Left 2 Die" scenario.
    Night Of The Living III - Survive 15 Infested Horde Attacks in the "Night 2 Die" mode of the "Left 2 Die" scenario.
    Tag Team - Win a 2v2 game of 'StarJeweled' with no A.I. players.
    Jewel Crafter - Win a 1v1 game of 'StarJeweled' against a Medium A.I. opponent.
- návod
    Jewel Star - Win a 1v1 game of 'StarJeweled' against a Hard A.I. opponent. - návod
    Jewel Super Star - Win a 1v1 game of 'StarJeweled' against a Very Hard A.I. opponent. - návod
    Jewel Rock Star - Win a 1v1 game of 'StarJeweled' against an Insane A.I. opponent. - návod
    Jewel of Denial - Heal 3000 points of damage in a game of 'StarJeweled' using the Healing Wave ability. Awards Ornatus portrait.
    World of Orecraft - Do a 6 combo gem break and receive "For the Swarm" notification in a game of 'StarJeweled'.




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Titulek: MODY a jejich Achievementy

Aiur chef:
pokud chcete achievy , vsechny achivy krom jednoho se daji ocurat tak , ze si zalozite hru kde budete vy sam
Executor chef - vyhrajte hru aiur chef(easy)
Virtuoso-udelejte vsechny 3druhy jidla v kazdem roundu-ikonka kuchare (normal)
Allez Cuisine!-uvarte jidlo do 30sekund po tom co ste uz jedno udelaly(normal)-ingredience si muzete naschromazdit pred oltar a pak jen sebrat a odevzdat.
Supreme Cuisine-udelejte 2000 bodu ve hre aiur chef(hard)ja to delal tak , ze jsem udelal 2x-3x recept cislo jedna (dokud za nej nebylo malo bodu), potom recept cislo 2 (aby se resetly body za jednicku na stejnou hodnotu jako driv) samozrejme zalezi z ceho budete varit, je mozne ze to nekdo delal jinak , ale takto jsem to udelal na prvni pokus(achi dostanete az u konce hry , ne hned)
The Heat Is On-no , tenhle achi je pro me zahadou (Kill another zealot chef when hit by the Great Equalizer)nevim jestly to mam pochopit tak ze mam zabit zaelota po tom co me zasahne great equalizerem a nebo mam zasahnout ja jeho a potom zabit dalsiho(?)

Starjeweled-v teto hre je velmi obtizne ziskat nektere achievy
Tag Team-vyhrajde 2v2 hru proti hracum bez pouziti AI...ty pc co tam uz jsou ignorujte , v kazdem teamu musi bejt 2hraci (normal-hard)
World of Orecraft-udelejte 6spojeni gemu na jedno kliknuti , obdrzite hlasku "for the swarm"(tohle je podle me ciste u lucku)
Jewel of Denial-nahealujte 3000 zivotu pouzitim healing wave - idealni pouzit na ultralisky , colosi a nebo jine jednotky s hodne hp , napr banshe, vyplati se tuto abilitu pouzivat kdyz bude vic jednotek u sebe , vlna je schopna healnout az 4jednotky!(hard)
a to nejlepsi na konec!
Jewel Crafter-vyhrajte 1v1 proti normal AI
Jewel Star-vyhrajte 1v1 proti hard AI
Jewel Super Star-vyhrajte 1v1 proti very hard AI
Jewel Rock Star-vyhrajte 1v1 proti insane AI
mam dojem ze tyto achievy vymyslel nejakej korejec , protoze ta obtiznost pro normalni lidi je prakticky nemozna , ja osobne uz par dni progresuju normal AI , je to hodne tezke :D takze lidi co maji radi vyzvu enjoy.

Left 2 Die-nektere tyto achivy a mozna i vsechny ( v pripade korejskych hracu) jdou solnout, zalezi jen na tom jake mate silne macro a jak umite hrat terany (trochu prekopane)

Live and Let Die-vyhrajte na normal (normal)
Die another day-vyhrajte na hard (?)
License to Kill-vyhrajte na brutal (?)
Please Hammer, Don´t Hurt ˇEm-zabijte stanka na hard to je myslim nekdy mezi 3-5tou noci a dava hodne dmg do budov , jde to solo tak , ze pred druhou noci postavite ke vchodum planetary fortress za kteryma mate scv , take zmenit stare comand centery u mineralu kvuli tem zergskym reaperum bo co to je a kolem base rozestavet missile turrety , hlavne k tem planetary fortress , a pak jen vyckavat na stanka, zatim jsem to nezkousel , nebyl cas , ale dnes na to pujdu. (?)
Here Comes the Hammer-vyhrajte pred patou noci na brutal (?)
Night of the Living-prezij 5utoku(?)
Night of the Living II-prezij 10utoku(?)
Night of the Living III-prezij 15utoku(?)
tohle je pro me neznama ale je to urcite na mod kde jsou budovy neznicitelne a vy branite do uplneho zniceni