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Legacy of the Void
Návody zde: Návody jak splnit Achievementy a mise SC II
Úplný seznam achievementů SC2 Liberty Campaign:
List of all:
Custom Game
Quick Match
Feats of Strength (5 achievements) skryté dokud je nesplníte
Devoted Fan (0)
Purchase StarCraft II Wings of Liberty Collector's Edition.
The Scenic Route (0) - návod
Destroy all Zerg structures in "The Devil's Playground" mission on Normal difficulty.
You'ze So Crazy! (0) - návod
Destroy all Protoss structures in the "Welcome to the Jungle" mission on Normal difficulty.
Monster Mash (0) - návod
Use the A.R.E.S. to kill the Brutalisk in the "Piercing the Shroud" mission on Normal difficulty.
Hot Shot (0)
Finish a Qualification Round with an undefeated record.
StarCraft II Officiální Mody
Aiur Chef
Executor Chef - Cook at least one of each dish in all three rounds of one game of Aiur Chef.
Virtuoso - Win a game of Aiur Chef. Awards Zealot Chef portrait.
Supreme Cuisine - Score over 2000 points in a game of Aiur Chef.
The Heat Is On - Kill another zealot chef when hit by the Great Equalizer.
Allez Cuisine! - Cook two dishes within 30 seconds of each other.
Left 2 Die
Live and Let Die - Complete the "Left 2 Die" scenario on Normal difficulty.
Please Hammer, Don't Hurt 'Em - Kill a Stank before it kills anything on Hard difficulty. Awards Stank portrait.
Die Another Day - Complete the "Left 2 Die" scenario on Hard difficulty.
Here Comes the Hammer - Complete the "Left 2 Die" scenario before the fifth night on Brutal difficulty.
License to Kill - Complete the "Left 2 Die" scenario on Brutal difficulty.
Night Of The Living - Survive 5 Infested Horde Attacks in the "Night 2 Die" mode of the "Left 2 Die" scenario.
Night Of The Living II - Survive 10 Infested Horde Attacks in the "Night 2 Die" mode of the "Left 2 Die" scenario.
Night Of The Living III - Survive 15 Infested Horde Attacks in the "Night 2 Die" mode of the "Left 2 Die" scenario.
Tag Team - Win a 2v2 game of 'StarJeweled' with no A.I. players.
Jewel Crafter - Win a 1v1 game of 'StarJeweled' against a Medium A.I. opponent. - návod
Jewel Star - Win a 1v1 game of 'StarJeweled' against a Hard A.I. opponent. - návod
Jewel Super Star - Win a 1v1 game of 'StarJeweled' against a Very Hard A.I. opponent. - návod
Jewel Rock Star - Win a 1v1 game of 'StarJeweled' against an Insane A.I. opponent. - návod
Jewel of Denial - Heal 3000 points of damage in a game of 'StarJeweled' using the Healing Wave ability. Awards Ornatus portrait.
World of Orecraft - Do a 6 combo gem break and receive "For the Swarm" notification in a game of 'StarJeweled'.
Datum: 11.01.2021
Vložil: HymanProfE
Online casino, first deposit bonus of $100 [url=][/url]
Datum: 09.04.2011
Vložil: DD
Aiur chef:
pokud chcete achievy , vsechny achivy krom jednoho se daji ocurat tak , ze si zalozite hru kde budete vy sam
Executor chef - vyhrajte hru aiur chef(easy)
Virtuoso-udelejte vsechny 3druhy jidla v kazdem roundu-ikonka kuchare (normal)
Allez Cuisine!-uvarte jidlo do 30sekund po tom co ste uz jedno udelaly(normal)-ingredience si muzete naschromazdit pred oltar a pak jen sebrat a odevzdat.
Supreme Cuisine-udelejte 2000 bodu ve hre aiur chef(hard)ja to delal tak , ze jsem udelal 2x-3x recept cislo jedna (dokud za nej nebylo malo bodu), potom recept cislo 2 (aby se resetly body za jednicku na stejnou hodnotu jako driv) samozrejme zalezi z ceho budete varit, je mozne ze to nekdo delal jinak , ale takto jsem to udelal na prvni pokus(achi dostanete az u konce hry , ne hned)
The Heat Is On-no , tenhle achi je pro me zahadou (Kill another zealot chef when hit by the Great Equalizer)nevim jestly to mam pochopit tak ze mam zabit zaelota po tom co me zasahne great equalizerem a nebo mam zasahnout ja jeho a potom zabit dalsiho(?)
Starjeweled-v teto hre je velmi obtizne ziskat nektere achievy
Tag Team-vyhrajde 2v2 hru proti hracum bez pouziti AI...ty pc co tam uz jsou ignorujte , v kazdem teamu musi bejt 2hraci (normal-hard)
World of Orecraft-udelejte 6spojeni gemu na jedno kliknuti , obdrzite hlasku "for the swarm"(tohle je podle me ciste u lucku)
Jewel of Denial-nahealujte 3000 zivotu pouzitim healing wave - idealni pouzit na ultralisky , colosi a nebo jine jednotky s hodne hp , napr banshe, vyplati se tuto abilitu pouzivat kdyz bude vic jednotek u sebe , vlna je schopna healnout az 4jednotky!(hard)
a to nejlepsi na konec!
Jewel Crafter-vyhrajte 1v1 proti normal AI
Jewel Star-vyhrajte 1v1 proti hard AI
Jewel Super Star-vyhrajte 1v1 proti very hard AI
Jewel Rock Star-vyhrajte 1v1 proti insane AI
mam dojem ze tyto achievy vymyslel nejakej korejec , protoze ta obtiznost pro normalni lidi je prakticky nemozna , ja osobne uz par dni progresuju normal AI , je to hodne tezke :D takze lidi co maji radi vyzvu enjoy.
Left 2 Die-nektere tyto achivy a mozna i vsechny ( v pripade korejskych hracu) jdou solnout, zalezi jen na tom jake mate silne macro a jak umite hrat terany (trochu prekopane)
Live and Let Die-vyhrajte na normal (normal)
Die another day-vyhrajte na hard (?)
License to Kill-vyhrajte na brutal (?)
Please Hammer, Don´t Hurt ˇEm-zabijte stanka na hard to je myslim nekdy mezi 3-5tou noci a dava hodne dmg do budov , jde to solo tak , ze pred druhou noci postavite ke vchodum planetary fortress za kteryma mate scv , take zmenit stare comand centery u mineralu kvuli tem zergskym reaperum bo co to je a kolem base rozestavet missile turrety , hlavne k tem planetary fortress , a pak jen vyckavat na stanka, zatim jsem to nezkousel , nebyl cas , ale dnes na to pujdu. (?)
Here Comes the Hammer-vyhrajte pred patou noci na brutal (?)
Night of the Living-prezij 5utoku(?)
Night of the Living II-prezij 10utoku(?)
Night of the Living III-prezij 15utoku(?)
tohle je pro me neznama ale je to urcite na mod kde jsou budovy neznicitelne a vy branite do uplneho zniceni
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